

Developmental edit

You've finished your manuscript but you're not sure what your next step should be. Is that subplot working? Is the ending too abrupt? You may have an idea of what you want us to look at, or you may want a general overview of what's working and what isn't. This option focuses on big picture issues like plot, character development, pacing, and structure. The developmental edit includes margin notes and a thorough editorial memo that addresses your manuscript's strengths and weaknesses, plus a follow-up call to discuss once you've had a chance to review your edits.

Line edit

Your manuscript is in good shape on a macro level, and now you want to focus on the details. The line edit is about polishing your manuscript line by line. Do you overuse certain words? Is your dialogue effective? This option focuses on word choice, style, and dialogue, and includes line edits, margin comments, and an editorial memo, plus a follow-up call to discuss once you've had a chance to review your edits.

Proposal critique

You have an idea for a work of nonfiction, and need help crafting or polishing your proposal. What's the best structure for your proposal? What comparative titles make the most sense? This option includes margin comments and an editorial memo addressing the strengths and weaknesses of your proposal, plus a follow-up call to discuss once you've had a chance to review your edits.

query letter critique

A query is like a cover letter for your book, and a good one is the key to getting an agent’s attention. Does yours give a clear idea of your plot and characters? Do you have the right comp titles? Will it hold an agent’s attention? A query letter critique will address the weaknesses in your query, and includes line edits, margin comments, and notes.

non-book editing

You've got something that's not a book that needs some editing. Whether it's website copy, a master's thesis, or your maid of honor speech, we polish words of all kinds. Get in touch and we'll figure out exactly what you need and work out a package. 


Your questions about publishing answered. Advice on pitching agents, finding the right comp titles, whether self-publishing might be right for you, and more. 

Um, I'm not sure which option i need

No problem! Send us an email and we'll figure out together which option is best for you.